Thursday, September 3, 2009

Busy, busy....

I woke up today at 5:30 and got my oldest ready to go to his high school orientation. He'll be there from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and then has football practice at 3:30 p.m. It's going to be a crazy long day for him. But he better get used to it because once school starts that will be his normal days at least until football is over with for this year. Even then he will be expected to stay late sometimes and lift weights. That's just to keep him ready for next year. I can't believe that most of the teams start practice in March with weight lifting. Thier game season doesn't even start until late August. That's months of weight lifting. It's no wonder that these kids are graduating with bench presses of 400 pounds.

As for me I have to go grocery shopping today and then put away all the laundry. I also have to wash dishes....yuck. I hate washing dishes, but that's part of being a housewife. As a stay at home mom I have more work to do than most people I know that work out of the house. It drives me crazy! I know a lot of women that work outside the house and don't do half of what I do in a day. Then they ask me how I can stay home and not be bored to tears. Hah! That's really funny. I'm too busy to be bored.

My boys all start school next week. That will be a sad time for me. I actually enjoy having them home to look after. So I guess it's time to take down the pool and get ready for school now. I also have to take the air conditioner out of my bedroom. It's time. It hasn't been hot in two weeks now so I don't see any need for an air conditioner. In two weeks I am going to start painting my hallway.....finally. That will give me time to get the kids settled back in school and me settled back into a new routine and then I can start my painting projects. It will sooooo be worth it in the end. I look forward to the fresh new look in my hallway and I might even tackle my living room yet this year. If not I will do that in the spring. I hate to paint in the house in the winter. The fumes just make me sick when I can't have all the windows open.

So for today....peace out!

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