Sunday, October 4, 2009

Homecoming pics.......

Well homecoming weekend is officially over.  The homecoming went great.  Roy and Julie had a ton of fun together.  The only thing that got screwed up was the pictures.  They were supposed to get pictures taken at the homecoming and by the time they got up there the photographer quit for the night.  So now we have to take them to Wal-Mart and get pictures of them done.  So they will have to dress up completely all over again and go for pics.  Oh well.  At least they had fun that night.  They looked fabulous too!  I was so impressed with my boy!  He did a great job and even walked her to the door like a gentleman after the dance.  It was soooo cute!  When he gave her the corsage she actually started to cry.  I was surprised by this, but that's ok too. 

The rest of the weekend was busy but good.  The homecoming was really the highlight though. 

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