Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What a day.....

Last night my hubby and I decided to color my hair red.  Turned out great.....looks beautiful.....but now I'm getting an allergic reaction to the dye.  My head itches incredibly  My scalp is actually sore.  And around the edges of my hair you can see huge red marks.  It's terrible.  I am just praying that it doesn't get as bad as it did last time.  The last time I dyed my hair dark I was in the hospital for 3 days because I had such a bad reaction.  I'm trying to stay on my benadryl and claratin to control it, but I don't know if that is going to work.  I just pray that it does or Bill will never let me color my hair again.  I think from now on though we will stick with the blonde.  At least I've never had a reaction to that one.  I just hate having so much gray at a mere 38 years old.  I never pictured myself going gray until I was in my 50's.  So this just sucks.  The next thing I'm going to do to my hair is perm it.  I will have to give it 2 weeks now until I perm it, but I think it will be well worth it.  I am so sick of my hair anyway that it isn't even funny.  I went from waist length hair to hair that doesn't even touch the collar of my shirt.  Ugh.......

I guess today is just going to be a sucky day all the way around.  I have to pick Brett up in half an hour and then I have to get Bill to his therapist appointment.  Grrr.......  Too much to do and EVERYTHING involves me.  No one in this house can do anything without my involvement.  It really sucks.  Right now all I want to do is go to bed.  I got up at 4 a.m. because my head was itching so bad and couldn't go back to sleep.  Now from all the meds I am just exhausted.  Well I guess I'm done with this for today.  I have to go and get some stuff ready for Bill.

1 comment:

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

Hope you feel better soon!!!! Sorry you are having a rough day!