Sunday, August 23, 2009

Slowing down....

Since last Thursday and my boy's first scrimmage things have slowed down finally. I don't know how much longer I could've kept up the pace we were going at. Now there is only one practice a day and all the other school stuff is caught up. The only thing I have left to do for school is get backpacks and take Brett to the dentist. I think I can handle that rather easily. I still have to get to the lab to have my blood work done. I just haven't had the time to do that lately. Now that things have slowed down a little I think I can do it this week. Maybe on Friday while Bill is gone to his doctor appointment with Jean I can get it done. Either that or tomorrow morning before Bill goes to physical therapy. I don't know since I have to take Brett in too. I'm not looking forward to that though. Brett is scared of needles just like daddy so it is going to be really hard getting his blood work done. I hate that. But I have to do it. I just don't want to do it.

Otherwise everything is looking good right now. This week once again I have appointments every day, but they are not the same as last week where I had several appointments a day. This week it's done to one appointment a day. That's not too bad. I think I can take that a lot better than two and three appointments a day. Right now I'm just waiting for my mom to call me to chit chat for the morning. I figure she'll call by 11:30. It sucks not having long distance anymore so I can call her whenever I want to. I really miss that. I was used to talking to mom at least once a day and now it sometimes goes two days without talking to her. I really hate that. But once Bill's disability comes through we won't have that problem any more. We'll be able to handle the higher phone bill so that I can call mom and Steph when I want to. For right now though I just have to wait for them to call me. That's life. Hopefully soon though Bill's disability will come through for us. I really am praying that it comes through very soon. We desperately need it. Bill thinks that we will keep getting big amounts back with taxes every year but I don't think we will any more. I think he is going to find that we don't get crap back anymore because I am on disability and he isn't working now. I think that is going to make a big difference in how much taxes we get back. I doubt we'll get anything back anymore. Oh well. We'll just have to live frugally until we get his disability.

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